Monday, March 30, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Hi and welcome to Alex's Beauty Blog. My name is Alex West and I am a pro makeup artist in Palm Beach, FL. Over the years I've accumulated a lot of really cool beauty and skin care tips, and am eager to share them with you! In this economy, I feel that it's important to give women (and men) access to beauty regimens that don't require spending tons of cash - it doesn't cost a fortune to look good. Learning simple tips and tricks for looking gorgeous is a great way to boost self-confidence, and keep yourself healthy and happy well into the Golden Years. As a makeup artist, my philosophy is to teach women that natural, real beauty is more attractive than any photo shopped model on a magazine cover. So often young ladies come to me wishing to look more like this celebrity or that cover girl, and I always encourage them to look in the mirror and see how wonderful and glamorous they are when they look only like themselves. I adore make up, and see every face as a blank canvas with unique features to be enhanced and brought to the spotlight. Though I believe true beauty comes from within, playing with colors and bringing out the stunning features of each individual face is a wonderful way to showcase your looks and can leave you feeling more polished and ready to take on anything. Perfection is impossible without the marvels of computer technology, and really who wants to look perfect? How boring! Sure, hide that monster zit that came out of nowhere if it makes you feel good, but let those other little quirks shine through and turn them into a part of your signature beauty. This blog will give you make up tips with recommended products, skin care tricks that can make you feel great, spa treatments that you can create at home, meditations and exercises for developing your self-confidence, and of course product and book reviews. I look forward to sharing some of my knowledge with you, and welcome you to my blog!